Oil Strike: Government promises fall short

16 December 20140

Through a statement released on December 12th, the Prime Minister had attempted to reassure the populations regarding the fuel shortage gripping the nation. The Prime Minister noted the "disruption in gas deliveries Thursday, December 11th would return to normal by Friday, December 12th in the afternoon."

As for diesel and other fuels, Mr Daniel Ona Ondo reported "disruptions in deliveries Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th December, with a return to normal Monday, December 15 at the end of the afternoon," before concluding: "The government and stakeholders of the distribution chain are working hard to organize a return to the usual flow of fuel delivery."
As of Monday 15th (yesterday), nothing had changed; the streets were still packed around gas stations with vehicles waiting to get served. Some costumers had even resorted to filling plastic jugs with fuel to stock up when possible, a dangerous practice. Although some oil tankers from the SGPP from Owendo had made their way to several stations in Libreville, it was still not enough to satisfy the demand.
As days go by, the demand increases and with both government and ONEP unwilling to compromise, this strike will most likely go on till the New Year.

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