Arrival of AMO in Libreville welcomed by the crowd

29 April 20150

As announced a few days ago, the remains of the Gabonese opponent André Mba Obame, arrived on April 28th around noon in Libreville, from Yaoundé in Cameroon where he had died.

There were many Gabonese people awaiting for him at the airport in order to demonstrate their commitment to this son of the country.

They were many around Leon Mba in Libreville international airport to welcome the deceased. Young, adult, all of them gathered and walked along with the coffin as a symbol of affection and deep respect to former and charismatic opposition figure Gabon has known.

"I am AMO" was the message displayed on some marchers’ T shirts. The peaceful march initiated by his followers went on from the Airport to Nzeng Ayong Stadium in the 6th arrondissement in the Gabonese capital for a last public tribute.


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