Addax Petrolum grants CD4+ T cells

15 December 20140

The Oil Company Addax Petroleum have recently granted the volunteer association for family care (MGBEF) with the test-cell count called CD. This sophisticated tool is like a snapshot of how well your immune system is functioning. CD4 cells (also known as CD4+ T cells) are white blood cells that fight infection.

MGBEF, Bertrand Bissakalou Mboula president, promised to make good use of this material; “This act is worth praising because many people die from the opportunistic diseases that come after AIDS abd isolation because of the discrimination and lack of quality monitoring.”. he said.

This device will be operated inside two weeks and about 250 people would be scanned per day. This is going to help in the fight against AIDS and especially show HIP positive that they being positive is not a fatality, with C, you can get better, and the more you have, the better you are.

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