300 kg of Ivory tusks stolen in the tribunal of Oyem

23 April 20150

Three hundred kilograms of ivory from the poaching of elephants were stolen to the tribunal of Oyem, in northern Gabon, where they were stored for several months, according to the NGO for the defense of the environment World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

"Thieves broke into a local court in the North of Gabon (...) and stole up to 300 kg of confiscated ivory", or the equivalent of about 50 elephants tusks, indicates the WWF Central Africa in a statement.

The ivory was seized with many illegal weapons during operations poaching in recent months and was to be transferred in the next few days in a warehouse centralized in the capital Libreville, according to the NGO, which affirms that "ivory and weapons are once again in the hands of criminals (...) is likely to replace ivory on the black market".


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