The National Forum on tax system to reduce tax from 25%

1 April 20150

The participants to the National Forum on tax system held from Friday 25th to Saturday 26th, recommended the decrease of the tax on companies to 25% less instead of 30% that currently paid


The participants also urged the “the setting of a specific tax system for the young entrepreneurs that opted for an incubatory system” as well as “the reaffirmation of the VAT neutrality and the rationalization of tax exoneration”.

The Forum proposed the betterment of the tax management system as it is done in Rwanda. The participant intends to copycat the Rwanda style which was exposed by experts during the forum.

For the Budget Minister, “the recommendation will serve on an action plans which will distinguish short, middle and long term objectives to be materialized by the Gabonese government” concluded the Minister during the forum.


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