A new boss at the GOC?

8 October 20150

According to inside sources at the Gabon Oil Company, Étienne Ngoubou Dieudonné, the Gabonese Minister of Petroleum and Hydrocarbons has dismissed the current director general of the GOC.

Reappointed at the head of that ministry in the last government reshuffle, a few weeks ago, Étienne Ngoubou has replaced Serge Toulekima with Arnauld-Engandji Alandji, a special adviser to the Head of State.

It is reported that Mr Toukelima refused to submit to a technical and financial audit commissioned every two years to companies under contract with the Gabonese state. Serge Toukelima is suspended for a period of three months.

A few months ago, Serge Toulekima organized the Gabon Local Content, an international meeting whose aim was to bring Gabon to increase exploitation its oil fields and maximize investment.

Khephren Fanga

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