Opening of the Africa Judos Championship

25 April 20150

Gabon’s Sport Minister Blaise Louembe gave the kickoff of the 31st edition of the Judokas Championship of Africa. There were about 300 athletes qualified for the competition on last Friday morning attended a lavish opening ceremony marked by a parade of each team of the 30 countries present. Each team marched waving high the flag of his country and bulging muscles.

The fighting started Friday afternoon. 40 referees have the burden to decide and the verdict of each fight during the 3 days of the competition. The main innovation of this 31st edition of the African judo Championships is the participation of the athletes aged 12-13 years.

Algeria, Egypt, Cameroon and Dr Congo are among the favorites of the competition.During the last edition in Chad, in 2014, the Algeria and Egypt had won the largest number of medals.


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