Gabon (0-0) Ghana: draw match

19 August 20140

Although, they have a good international reputation, the Black Stars cadets drew (0-0) against the young Panthers of Gabon. A score that puts the Gabonese team in good position for the return match in Libreville.

According to Davy Maguena Radio Gabon special reporter, "Gabon’s good performance was due to the goalkeeper Patrick Menene from Mounana FC who strove to stop all the opposing goals. He was the Man of the match He stayed in his cage with high self-control". Despite local dominance, the Gabonese team were quickly grouped in defense, forming a large and unbreakable block for Ghanaian players. In other words, the 4-5-1 tactic employed by Rigobert Nzamba saved the match.

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