Education ministry reacts to "lost year" rumors

17 March 20150

Following rumors that the national UNESCO commission had declared a lost year in education in Gabon and after a televised statement from the institution denying this fact, Mr Jean Claude Kombila, a representative from the education ministry declared last night live on Gabon Television that “Only the government could declare a lost year and it hadn’t”.

Mr Kombila went on to say that one of the conditions for the resumption of classes, the PIP incentive premium had already begun to be paid and that security measures had been put in place to ensure the safety of learners, teachers and parents.

Mr Kombila later added that this year’s exam calendar had been revised and would be communicated soon before ending on encouragements from the minister for teachers to be dutiful in their task and for parents to take their children to school.

Khephren FANGA

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