BBS Management School Open Days

15 April 20150

BBS Management School opened its doors last Saturday during its open Days, to inform about its different training offerings to fast integration in the labour market.

Be able to seize the opportunities of the corporate world, drive activities, organize the management of resources, animate teams, and a whole range of skills that enable to seek employment easily, such are the capacities which are equipped with the students of this school in Libreville at the end of their studies.

A wide range of courses including business management, accounting, audit control and others are shared between a vocational course and an entrepreneurial curriculum. Many participants in this Exchange were built by young students trained in these different branches within the institution.

Created in 2008, the admission in this school is done by a competition cut into two (2) phases: a written part and an oral. According to a student license information system:

"the benefit of my training is to scan all data of a company or institutions. An innovation that allows you to more easily maintain records. Obviously the school responds to the evolution of technologies.


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