Gabon wins 6 places on ITC World report

23 April 20150

The “2015 Global Information Technology report published on last April 15th by the World Economic Forum stated that Gabon is now occupying the 122nd place on 143 countries in 2015 of the "Global information technology report".

This place shows an increase compared to 2014 where it took the 128th position. This assessment, which includes an analysis of 143 countries worldwide, has as main objective to measure the impact of the technologies of information and communication (ICT) on the economy and society in general.

For the preparation of this annual report, the World Economic Forum considered a composite index called "Networked Readiness Index (NRI)". It is designed around four categories, themselves subdivided into 10 subcategories and 53 indicators.

Categories and subcategories take into account the political environment and regulatory, business, innovation, accessibility, infrastructure, environment use of ICT (individual, business, by the Government) and the impact of ICT (social and environmental impacts).


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