Eurochocolate and DGCSP Gabon sign collaboration deal for the development of the cocoa and chocolate industry

26 October 20150

“Gabon aims to rise to the range of emerging countries by 2025. For this, to speed up the achievement of the objective, we chose Eurochocolate as the ideal partner to define strategies to improve the quality of cocoa and the marketing of chocolate,” said Léon Paul N’Goulakia, General Manager CAISTAB who signed the agreement last week in Italy.

With over 20 years of experience in organizing major Chocolate and Cacao events, in depth knowledge of the supply chain, Eurochocolate is ready to make available to the DGSP a consolidated know-how, an expertise and qualified a number of institutional contacts and international business not only to strengthen the mechanisms for marketing but also to promote quality production focused on good agricultural practices and to promote the transformation and local consumption.

"For this reason,” says Bruno Finches, General Manager of Eurochocolate “to contribute to boosting the production and marketing of finished products in chocolate, we would like to organize an educational trip by 2016, inviting in Gabon some Italian and international chocolatiers who can transfer their know-how, to start pursuing the medium-term objective of creating a facility on site capable of processing of cocoa for chocolate production according to a short chain with resources and management entirely from Gabon.”

Support for the processing craft, capacity building and organizational development of a brand for the marketing of Cocoa and Chocolate Gabon, are further aspects that will see the direct involvement of Eurochocolate. Thanks to the agreement signed, there will also be a guaranteed strong visibility and a positive impact at different levels (institutional leadership and private business) and for the benefit of various sectors (agriculture, commerce, industry and Tursimo), as well as collaboration in the organization of a first Festival of Chocolate in Gabon.

Member of COPAL, Alliance of Cocoa Producing Countries, Gabon currently produces 500 tons of cocoa a year, mainly the Forastero variety.

Khephren FANGA

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