Ecobank lend more in English speaking countries

30 April 20150

The Pan-African Banking Group Ecobank last record shows a tendency for the bank to lend more in English speaking countries than in French speaking countries, especially those of Central Africa.

The Bank gave a total of 12.3 billion US Dollars loan on behalf of the year 2014. This figure represents an increase of 8% in relative value and 890 million US Dollars in absolute terms, when compared the year 2013. The CEDAO area has been recipient of the largest volume of stocks, with a total of 9.58 billion US Dollars of credits granted by ETI.

Nigeria remains the most important credit market at Ecobank, with 4.81 billion market $ received from the Bank, a figure that is rising compared to 2013.

From another point of view, it may also be that, although it is a historically French Bank, the outstanding amount of the loans granted by the group in French-speaking countries of West and Central Africa fell in 2014 (4.77 billion US Dollars) against 5.28 billion US Dollars in 2013.

Things seem to go better in Eastern and southern Africa, where outstanding credit of Ecobank have significantly increased and now reach 930 million $ compared to only 730 million US Dollars.


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