FAO gives Gabon 273 million FCFA

20 January 20140

In the context of promoting agriculture and the International Year of Family Farming, a double signature convention took place between the Gabonese government, represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Julien Nkoghé Békalé, and and the United Nations Food Agriculture Organization (FAO), through its country manager, Dan Rugabira .

A fund of 273 million francs by the UN body for two highly technical projects. Support for sustainable food intensification through mechanization and strengthening entrepreneurial capacity of agricultural cooperatives. These two projects, said Dan Rugabira are "consistent with the priority areas of the Country Programming Framework (CDPF) , which sets out areas of cooperation in the medium term , that is to say from 2014 to 2017, between FAO and the Government of Gabon."
With 125 million francs of budget, the project will support the ongoing efforts of the Department for the intensification of production, relying on agricultural mechanization tools. While the enhancing of entrepreneurial capacity of cooperatives, whose budget amounts to 148 million francs, is fixed as the main objective of contributing to a better organization of rural areas by strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of these cooperatives .
For Julien Nkoghé Békalé, this signature is of paramount importance. As he said, "we believe that the effects, especially the enhancement of agriculture in our country to ensure the food security of populations contributes to the passage of an first generation agriculture to a second generation agriculture, which may be the start of an industrial agriculture."

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