Gabon 1st in French speaking Africa

16 February 20150

Gabon holds the most liberal economy of the CEMAC sub-region, 15th in sub-Saharan Africa and the 104th in the world reported the Index of Economic Freedom 2015 published each year by the Wall Street Journal, in partnership with the Heritage Foundation.

Gabon holds the most liberal economy of the CEMAC sub-region, 15th in sub-Saharan Africa and the 104th in the world reported the Index of Economic Freedom 2015 published each year by the Wall Street Journal, in partnership with the Heritage Foundation.

Since 1995, the study is biased over certain criteria or economic freedoms such as : freedom of enterprise, freedom of investment, trade, fiscal, financial and monetary, policy flexibility of the market on employment, the right to property, the level of corruption and the size of the public sector.

With a scoring system based on an assessment of corruption (34 points), monetary freedom (78.4 points), tax freedom (77.5 points) and freedom of business (57.9 points), the score of Gabon has improved significantly this year (+ 0.5), yet the country has failed "in the management of financial resources resulting from the sale of oil by promoting” in a comprehensive manner, the prosperity of its people“ note the authors of the report.


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